Rezum Therapy: Convective Water Vapor Energy for BPH treatment


Minimally invasive therapies for BPH continue to evolve over time and with the recent advent of the Rezum procedure we now have another option for men with this disease.  This approach falls in the category of minimally invasive therapies (MIT) that can be done in an office setting.  As with other MIT procedures, this uses […]

New Minimally Invasive treatment for BPH shows good sustained outcomes based on long term data


    In July 2016, Medicare approved the use of Urolift. This is a stapling device that anchors on the outside prostate capsule and pulls the inner channel outwards opening the prostatic urethra. Opening this urinary channel has been the mainstay of therapy for men suffering with BPH symptoms. This novel minimally invasive therapy accomplishes […]

Prostate Cancer Screening Tests – Part 1


Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) has a long history as a blood screening test for prostate cancer.  But because of it’s limitations and relative low sensitivity there has been a move to find better screening markers for Prostate cancer.  It is well known that PSA can be elevated for reasons other than prostate cancer.  These other […]